Filing ends Monday for 8 county offices
With filing slated to end Monday, Republicans currently have one candidate in place for every local position on the ballot in next year’s party primary.
With filing slated to end Monday, Republicans currently have one candidate in place for every local position on the ballot in next year’s party primary.
Reversing the gradual downward trend seen in COVID-19 cases here over the past couple of months, the virus is making a comeback in Dawson County.
Voters in the city’s District 4 have two more days to cast their early ballots in the Dec. 18 special election for a seat on the city council.
Courtney Thompson, biologist with the Texas Parts and Wildlife Department’s Inland Fisheries Division, places a net full of small rainbow trout into Lamesa’s Boys and Girls Club Lake just after noon on Thursday. In a cooperative effort between the department and the local Wilton Foundation, just over 1,750 trout were placed in the pond. LPR photo
Dawson County United Fund is halfway to its goal of raising $60,000 in donations in this year’s fund raising campaign.
Rainbow trout have made their annual pre-Christmas arrival at the Boys and Girls Club Lake in Lamesa.
Dawson County and the City of Lamesa have apparently been very good this year. They both have experienced consecutive increases in their monthly sales tax rebates from the state throughout the year.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
KPET radio station in Lamesa is in the process of chancing the frequency for its FM broadcast serving the area.
COVID-19 has pushed the flu season pretty much out of the spotlight.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331