School board approves adjusted voting districts
The boundaries of the Lamesa school system’s five single-member districts for board elections just got a new look.
The boundaries of the Lamesa school system’s five single-member districts for board elections just got a new look.
Having previously served as a member of both the Lamesa school board and the city council, Enrique “Rick” Moreno, Jr. is hoping to now bring his leadership experience to the Dawson County Commissioners Court.
Despite progress with vaccinations and treatment, COVID-19 remains a deadly virus.
Possible financial incentives for two potential new businesses here are on the agenda for consideration Monday by local economic development officials.
Firefi ghters spray a stream of water into nearby trees early Friday morning to keep the roaring fl ames engulfi ng a vacant, dilapidated house from spreading. The fi re, near the intersection of N.E. 3rd St. and Gary Ave., was reported about 1:25 a.m. and had already spread throughout the wood-and-stucco structure before fi refi ghters arrived. With the building already designated by the City of Lamesa for demolition, fi refi ghters opted to focus on preventing the blaze from spreading to adjoining property. Noting there was not electricity serving the building, Lamesa Fire Chief Larry Duyck said Friday that the cause of the blaze is unknown. LPR photo by Russel Skiles
The Lamesa school district received an unmodified opinion, the highest rating it can get, from an audit of the district’s 2020-2021 finances.
Directors of the Mesa Underground Water Conservation District received a good report Wednesday on the district’s finances.
Work should be completed during the first half of the coming year on all of the projects at the Klondike school funded through an $8-million bond issue approved by the district’s voters just over a year ago.
City council members will be canvassing votes from this weekend’s special election before adding a new member to the council during their regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall.
City crews will be working late collecting residential trash before the start of the Christmas holidays.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331