Food bank needs volunteers to assist with distribution
The Feed One Food Bank, based at First Baptist Church, is in need of volunteers.
The Feed One Food Bank, based at First Baptist Church, is in need of volunteers.
Emergency repairs to prevent future flood damage to the local probation offices will be among the items considered when the Dawson County Commissioners Court holds its regular meeting Monday afternoon.
The hosting organization may have a new name, but it’s basically the same organization hosting this year’s annual pancake supper.
A Worker Protection Standard training session for pesticide handlers is being offered on Feb. 10 at the Dawson Country Extension office located at 901 South Houston.
Western Peanut Growers Association (WPGA) will be holding its 39th annual meeting on Monday, Feb. 7, beginning at 12 noon at the Seminole Community Center (801 N. Main Street), in Seminole.
Carbon credit may be more than a buzz word among Texas agriculture producers.
The Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association (TCGA) returns to Lubbock for its 114th annual meeting and cotton trade show from March 31 through April 1.
TAHOKA – Lynn County registered voters may have noticed that they have not yet received their 2022 Voter Registration cards in the mail. Normally, the voter registration cards are mailed out in January, but this year there is a delay - and redistricting is apparently the culprit.
O’DONNELL – The O’Donnell’s ‘Biggest Little Rodeo in Texas’ has been a staple on the second weekend of July for many years.
SNYDER – Snyder City Council member Vernon Clay asked the commissioners court to reconsider the location of the proposed new health clinic building during a public hearing Tuesday.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331