LHS holding college signing day
Ninety-percent of Lamesa High School (LHS) seniors are either heading to vocational training, junior colleges, universities or the military after graduating in May.
Ninety-percent of Lamesa High School (LHS) seniors are either heading to vocational training, junior colleges, universities or the military after graduating in May.
Permits for two horizontal oil drilling operations southwest of Lamesa were issued recently by the Texas Railroad Commission.
The re-purchase of a piece of property which the Lamesa Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) sold more than seven years ago is the focus of a special meeting planned Monday by the LEDC board of directors.
TAHOKA – The Tahoka school board met in special session Monday night and approved the hiring of Cody Bounds as the new athletic director (AD) and head football coach for the Tahoka Bulldogs.
SLATON – The Slaton Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO) approved a contract with Leading EDG and met facilitator Taylor McAlpine on Jan. 21 during its monthly meeting.
SEMINOLE – Western Peanut Growers Association (WPGA) will be hosting the 39th annual meeting on Monday, Feb. 7, beginning at noon at the Seminole Community Center (801 N. Main Street) in Seminole.
ANDREWS – The former junior high and west annex facility property considered for housing the county’s new recreation center was taken off the table Tuesday as a prospective site for the project.
SNYDER – Industrial Arts students were able to display their talents Monday night at the Pathways in Technology in early college high school (P-Tech) showcase.
The 2022 Plains Cotton Growers (PCG) seed cost caculator is now available for download on the PCG website: https://plainscotton.org/seed-cost-calculators/
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will be holding three free workshops to better help farmers understand and utilize profitability spreadsheets for their crop budgets.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331