Families west-bound buried in Dawson County
On the outskirts of Ackerly, amid a cotton field just off County Road 33, is a mound of sand covering the gravestones of members of two families.
Police Blotter
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Council to discuss special election
Lamesa City Council members are hedging their bets in calling for a special election to replace a sitting council member after the May 7 mayoral race.
Sales tax rebates continues steady rise
Dawson County and Lamesa continue their record of consecutive higher monthly sales tax rebates.
Church offering free Valentine’s childcare
Seeking to serve the community, members of Faith Temple Foursquare Church in Lamesa are offering a free babysitting service during the evening of Valentine’s Day next Monday.
Former school board member Albert Martinez took the oath of offi ce to become the newest member on both the Lamesa Economic Development Corporation and the Lamesa Economic Alliance Project Friday afternoon in the President’s Room near the Chamber offi ce. Martinez’ term in offi ce is for two years. City Attorney Russell Casselberry administered the oath. LPR photo
Water district to discuss permits
Twenty-one requests for water well permits will be considered when the board of directors of the Mesa Underground Water Conservation District holds their regular monthly meeting this coming week.
Vaccination clinics set for Tuesdays
A COVID-19 vaccination clinic is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m., Tuesday at the Lamesa Health Department at 503 S. 1st Street.
LEDC/LEAP have full agenda Mon.
Members of the Lamesa Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) and the Lamesa Economic Alliance Project (LEAP) have a hefty plate before them as they conduct a joint regular meeting at 5:30 p.m., Monday in the President’s Room at the Chamber of Commerce at 123 Main Ave.