Local Teen Court meets next week
The monthly Teen Court session will be next Monday, March 9, according to Shelley Barron, Teen Court coordinator.
Push-ups with Bob
I guess I should mention that I don’t know Bob. Peter, my husband, knew Bob in high school. To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure Peter and Bob were even close pals in high school. But Bob sent me a Facebook friend request shortly after he became Facebook friends with Peter and, even though I don’t know Bob, I accepted. Then Bob challenged me to do push-ups. “Join me in the pushup challenge!” Bob said.
Don’t let the coronavirus infect investment strategy
As you know, the coronavirus has become a major health concern, not just in China, but in other parts of the world, too – and it’s also shaken up the financial markets. As an individual investor, how concerned should you be?
Governor provides update on actions to combat coronavirus
As the worldwide threat of novel coronavirus increased, state agencies already were working together to ensure the health and safety of all Texans, Gov. Greg Abbott said Feb. 27.
Severe weather spotter training scheduled here
Each year, the National Weather Service (NWS) in Midland conducts Skywarn severe weather spotter training courses across portions of west Texas and southeast New Mexico.
LCP’s slates annual LaCopa awards event
The Lamesa Community Players’ annual LaCopa awards banquet will be held at 6 p.m. this coming Friday, March 6, at K-Bob’s Steakhouse.
Signup begins March 23 for WHIP+ assistance
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue last week announced additional disaster assistance available to agricultural producers, including producers impacted by drought and excess moisture as well as sugar beet growers.
Funds from highway settlement assisting with city’s other needs
ANDREWS – The city has already made purposeful use of more than half the funds it received around a year ago through a lawsuit settlement concerning the initial reliever route project that failed six months after opening in 2014.