County accepts title to county library building
The Dawson County Public Library is now owned by Dawson County.
The Dawson County Public Library is now owned by Dawson County.
Although Election Day officially isn’t until Tuesday, more than one-third of all registered voters in Dawson County already have cast their ballots in the general election.
While the general election – with the presidential race at the top of the ballot – seems to have grabbed most of the attention, local voters will be deciding the outcome of several other races on Tuesday.
Until recently, patients at Medical Arts Hospital in Lamesa needing more extensive treatment were transferred to bigger hospitals in Lubbock.
If the number of new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Dawson County continues at its current pace, almost one out of every seven residents of the county will have had the virus before year’s end.
Protected by breathing equipment, Cary White with the Lamesa Fire Department looks through a vent opening in search of hot spots in the attic after fi refi ghters were called Thursday to a house in the 1200 block of N. 11th Street. LPR photo
It will take a little longer before the Dawson County Hospital District board members get their hands on the district’s annual audit report.
The following were amon the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Dawson County commissioners are expected Tuesday to accept full title to the building that houses the Dawson County library.
Last year, there were more than 205,000 crashes in counties defined as the Texas Energy Sector by the Texas Railroad Commission, which includes large portions of West Texas, South Texas and even extends into metropolitan areas like Dallas, Fort Worth and El Paso.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331