Flower Grove School reunion set for June 26
Flower Grove School is no longer around, but the teachers and alumni who once taught or studied there are still here.
Flower Grove School is no longer around, but the teachers and alumni who once taught or studied there are still here.
The USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) began accepting nominations for county committee members on June 15.
Although the initial calls indicated a house on fi re at 410 S. Ave. F shortly before 11 p.m. last Friday, it turned out to be a fence and other items in the yard on fi re. Firefi ghters were able to quickly extinguish the blaze after getting to the scene. LPR photo
Do you want to support a good cause while also eliminating all those library fees accumulating due to overdue books?
Midland-based Seguro Oil and Gas is making plans to drill a new well about five miles southeast of O’Donnell.
ANDREWS – Recently-passed state legislation will allow homeschool students to participate in public school extra-curricular activities beginning this year if individual school districts choose to allow them.
SEMINOLE – Despite a recent article by the Sentinel on illegal dumping in Gaines County, Precinct 2 Commissioner Craig Belt said large amounts of trash, including mattresses and furniture, continue to be discarded along county roadways.
SNYDER – Snyder Independent School District (SISD) launched into summer school last week after ending its traditional school year.
Teachers and other schoo district personnel can expec a little more in their paychecks during the upcomin school year.
Grace Zant, 12, puts the fi nishing touches on an elephant design on tile during an art project at the Dawson County Public Library.
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