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A huge crane was busy early this week lifting new heating, ventilation and air conditioning units onto the roof of Lamesa Middle School. Lamesa school board members agreed in March to contract with E3 Energy Solutions to replace 162 rooftop units and nine smaller wall units throughout the district at a total cost of over $2.93 million. That price includes the installation of networkable, Wi-Fi-based thermostats. The district expects to save at least $180,000 per year in energy costs and maintenance expenses. LPR photo

Residents, business owners react to proposed relief routes

SEMINOLE – Almost 60 citizens viewed maps and voiced their concerns regarding Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) proposed reliever routes at the Seminole Community Center Thursday evening. The open-house style meeting allowed residents to ask TxDOT representatives one-on-one questions and visit with other local homeowners who will be impacted by one of the routes.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331