News Channel 11 tour coming here
A Lubbock television news show is coming to town to broadcast live from Lamesa.
A Lubbock television news show is coming to town to broadcast live from Lamesa.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Lamesa fi refi ghters spray water into the remains of a trailer house at 701 N. Ave. K that was destroyed in a fi re reported shortly after 11 p.m. Monday. With no utilities connected to the house, the cause of the blaze is being considered suspicious by local fi re investigators. LPR photo
An article in the Lamesa Press-Reporter this past weekend about the Lamesa school system having to relocate sixth and seventh graders due to storm damage at middle school included the wrong start date for classes here.
A huge crane was busy early this week lifting new heating, ventilation and air conditioning units onto the roof of Lamesa Middle School. Lamesa school board members agreed in March to contract with E3 Energy Solutions to replace 162 rooftop units and nine smaller wall units throughout the district at a total cost of over $2.93 million. That price includes the installation of networkable, Wi-Fi-based thermostats. The district expects to save at least $180,000 per year in energy costs and maintenance expenses. LPR photo
Local residents wanting to get vaccinated against COVID-19 can do so easily and quickly at the Lamesa Primary Care clinic operated by South Plains Rural Health (SPRH) in Levelland.
Volunteers and financial donations are now being sought to assist with the annual back-to-school giveaway conducted by the churches of Lamesa.
SEMINOLE – Almost 60 citizens viewed maps and voiced their concerns regarding Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) proposed reliever routes at the Seminole Community Center Thursday evening. The open-house style meeting allowed residents to ask TxDOT representatives one-on-one questions and visit with other local homeowners who will be impacted by one of the routes.
BROWNFIELD – The Brownfield City Council met on Thursday morning.
ANDREWS – Commissioners court voted unanimously Thursday to oppose a private company’s pursuit of a federal license for interim above ground storage of spent fuel in Andrews County.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331