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Lamesa Press-Reporter

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Prairie dogs maintain residency in Lamesa

They are considered burrowing vermin in need of eradication by some. Others see them as just plain cute even though they are classified as rodents. If you’re a longtime resident, they don’t really capture notice. For newcomers, the realization that Lamesa has prairie dogs living within the city limits is an interesting fact. There’s at least one West Texas city that has a community of the animals protected by the city. Prairie Dog Town, formed in the 1930’s, has become a favorite tourist site in Lubbock. “A lot of folks don’t like them. They are voracious eaters,” said Sam Har

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Farewell to the ‘toonist

Forty-one years ago this month the Lamesa Press-Reporter printed its fi rst submission from a relatively new cartoonist named Barry McWilliams. Ever since then, McWilliams’ “JP Doodles” drawings have appeared about once a week in this newspaper, providing an insightful view of small-town life either by lifting it up or good-naturedly poking fun at it.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331