Car show registration open for CFS
A car show is one of the many events being showcased during the Chicken Fried Steak Festival at Forrest Park.
A car show is one of the many events being showcased during the Chicken Fried Steak Festival at Forrest Park.
A medical savings account has been set up to help two long-time residents of Lamesa.
The extension of the city landfill, a water pipeline, and the cancelation of an agreement between the city and a resident will go before the city council at their Tuesday night regular meeting.
Preliminary work that will lead up to final approval of a new county budget about four months from now is about to begin.
Two former classmates who graduated from Klondike High School four years ago will soon be returning to the school as teachers.
Registration opens on Monday for the Lamesa Head Start program conducted by West Texas Opportunities.
Way back when, I agreed to serve as judge of pageants held annually in Fort Stockton and DeLeon. I – and another couple of judges – were to select queens of the Water Festival and the Peach and Melon Festival, respectively.
My grandpa was a cowboy – a real cowboy. In 2003 he and grandma made the decision to move to a nursing home. She passed away a few months after they moved in. After having been married for 63 years, grandpa was lost without her, became increasingly sad, and sat in his room most of the time.
Isaw the burro wearing pants and carrying a basket filled with paper flowers.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331