City council could appoint new municipal court judge
Lamesa City Council members could appoint a new municipal court judge during their regular meeting starting at 5:30 p.m. tonight in City Hall, located at 601 S. 1st Street.
Lamesa City Council members could appoint a new municipal court judge during their regular meeting starting at 5:30 p.m. tonight in City Hall, located at 601 S. 1st Street.
The 2023-2025 school calendar and the installation of new turf on the football field are some of the items Klondike Independent School District board members will be considering at their Thursday night meeting.
ATMOS customers may want to put the company’s plans next week to conduct surveys in the search for possible gas leaks on their calendars.
SEMINOLE- Owner of the West Texas Living Heritage Museum and local author Tina Siemens approached the Seminole City Council Monday to request Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) funds in the amount of $53,576.
DENVER CITY - Denver City council members discussed a request Dec. 18 from the Denver City Historical Museum for financial help.
DAHLHART- With roads in and out of Dalham and Hartley counties closed, Dalhart was a virtual ghost town Monday due to the blizzard that blew through the area.
SNYDER- The first baby born in Scurry County at Cogdell Memorial Hospital was Blakely Dominguez.
Throughout the state, the number of counties under burn bans went unchanged as the chances for grassfi res decreased, but high winds in West Texas still pose a threat of future fires spreading from their original sources.
An extreme cold front that hit the entire state over the weekend brought with it single digit temperatures and snowfall in some areas.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331