College campus gets $48,500 grant
The Lamesa campus of Howard College has been awarded a $48,500 workforce development grant by the Workforce Solutions of the Permian Basin (WSPB).
The Lamesa campus of Howard College has been awarded a $48,500 workforce development grant by the Workforce Solutions of the Permian Basin (WSPB).
A pair of grants are among the items to be considered by members of the Dawson County Commissioners Court during their regular meeting on Tuesday.
Permits and election matters dominate the agenda for the upcoming monthly meeting of the Mesa Underground Water Conservation District’s board of directors.
Gawkers gathered to gaze at a gigantic “goof” of an implosion attempt gone bad. Thus was the origin of the “leaning tower of Dallas.”
Just when I thought the political non-sense in Washington was going to take a brief respite, I concluded that it is simply business as usual. The only break is until the next news cycle.
Each year, the National Weather Service (NWS) in Midland conducts Skywarn severe weather spotter training courses across portions of west Texas and southeast New Mexico.
The monthly Teen Court session will be this coming Monday, March 9, according to Shelley Barron, Teen Court coordinator.
Western Peanut Growers Association will host an Ag Issues Conference on Wednesday, March 18, at the Seminole Community Center at 801 North Main Street in Seminole.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331