Library offering fall activities
Just because you’re quarantining doesn’t mean you can’t learn something.
Just because you’re quarantining doesn’t mean you can’t learn something.
Pioneer Cemetery, located on the corner of Elgin Avenue and NE First Street, is Dawson County’s first community resting place.
Dawson County United Fund offcials are sending out letters and cards late next week as they launch their annual fund drive in the hopes of raising $60,000 to fund three non-profit organizations benefiting area youth and the elderly.
More than 140 residents of Dawson County currently have active cases of COVID-19, according to the latest information available from the South Plains Public Health District.
A recent surprise state review at Medical Arts Hospital determined that an anonymous “immediate jeopardy” complaint against the facility was unfounded, according to Letha Stokes, the Dawson County Hospital District’s chief executive offcer.
With COVID-related expenses increasing, directors of the Dawson County Hospital District on Thursday approved the purchase of additional equipment using federal relief funds.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
The annual seal-coating of paved county roads will be a topic of discussion and possible action during the regular meeting of the Dawson County Commissioners Court this coming Tuesday.
Klondike school offcials on Monday will be hosting an informational meeting about the school’s $8-million bond proposal that will go before the district’s voters on Nov. 3.
With a light agenda dominated by well permits, Wednesday’s regular monthly meeting of the Mesa Underground Water Conservation District’s board of directors lasted less than 15 minutes.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331