Rumor brings crowd to board
More than 40 school teachers, administrators and others packed the meeting room at Thursday’s Lamesa school board meeting to show their support for Superintendent Jim Knight.
More than 40 school teachers, administrators and others packed the meeting room at Thursday’s Lamesa school board meeting to show their support for Superintendent Jim Knight.
Lamesa High School’s Family, Career and Community Leaders of America member Johnathan Iglesias, 15, and his classmates served up bagged barbecue lunches to local military veterans Wednesday outside Dawson County Senior Citizens Center. Due to COVID-19, the class had to alter their traditional sit-down breakfast for lunches served carside instead of inside. LPR photo
For the first time since COVID-19 arrived in town last March, Medical Arts Hospital (MAH) has accepted its first out-of-town coronavirus patient.
What is an Oregon native doing in the middle of West Texas working as a trooper for the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)?
A suspect has been arrested in connection with a shooting incident here Friday morning that sent one man to a Lubbock hospital with a bullet wound.
School Superintendent Secretary Bernett Hernandez administers the oath of office to newly re-elected board member Kelli Merritt and newcomer Cam Wade at the start of Thursday night’s meeting. LPR photo
Lamesa High School’s Golden Tornado Stadium will start getting a brand new look come Monday.
The Lamesa Independent School District board has a new president.
Between the two of them, the Lamesa and Klondike FFA chapters are advancing to area competition in six of the nine events held at the Mesa District Leadership Development Events contest held this past Monday.
Lights of Love, a toy collection drive to ensure every child gets a present under the tree, has added another business to their list of drop-off sites.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331