ER sees few visits resulting from cold
It’s been a relatively quiet week at the Medical Arts Hospital’s Emergency Room.
It’s been a relatively quiet week at the Medical Arts Hospital’s Emergency Room.
Two days set aside last Tuesday and Thursday by Medical Arts Hospital for administering the second dose of Moderna vaccine against coronavirus were postponed due to icy weather.
Anyone wanting to be tested for COVID-19, except those who have tested positive for the virus in the past 60 days, may do so for free during a special drive-thru clinic planned here next Saturday.
Several items dealing with purchases for the district attorney’s office are on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting of the Dawson County Commissioners Court.
When students from Lamesa High School Class of 2020 were heading toward graduation, they had to forgo the usual festivities seniors enjoy in their final months of the school year.
Lamesa City Council members are making up for lost time Tuesday when they conduct a special called meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Producers on the Texas High Plains have just a few weeks until the March 15th Sales Closing Date (SCD) fo the federal crop insurance program and many still hav questions about the differen options
Cotton producers looking for help filling out an application for the Quality Loss Adjustment (QLA) program have a new educational tool to help them summarize data and gather the needed supporting m
The Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association has announced the cancelation of the 2021 TCGA gin show due to the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center venue being closed to outside events through the end of April.
Enrollment for the 40th session of the Texas International Cotton School, scheduled for August 2-12, 2021, in Lubbock, Texas is now open.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331