A group of Lamesa High School alumni get their picture taken during the fi rst day of the ‘Mini-Jubilee’ reunion in the high school cafeteria.
A group of Lamesa High School alumni get their picture taken during the fi rst day of the ‘Mini-Jubilee’ reunion in the high school cafeteria.
Lamesa City Council members are conducting closed-door interviews of city manager candidates beginning at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at city hall at 601 S. 1st Street.
Members of the Dawson County Commissioners Court are expected to extend the county’s local disaster declaration during a special called meeting at 10 a.m.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Friday, June 25
Ashley Barron takes the oath of offi ce Tuesday on the fi rst day in her new position as Dawson County’s fi rst-ever elections administrator.
Appointed to the position on Tuesday, Cheryl Miller took the oath of offi ce on Thursday as Dawson County’s new tax assessor/collector.
Dawson County’s road maintenance crews are getting a new tractor and shredder to help control weed growth in the right-of-way along county roads.
With Independence Day falling on Sunday, most governmental offices and local the Lamesa school system will be recognizing Monday as a holiday.
Local offi cers visit at the scene where a motorcycle ridden by a 16-year-old male crashed into the side of the Dawson County constable’s pickup on Tuesday afternoon.
ANDREWS – It appears public opinion on the high-level waste topic has been a matter of “ask and you shall receive” for the commissioners court.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331