Ag impacts economy
Thirty food and agriculture groups recently released the sixth annual Feeding the Economy report, a historic farm-to-fork economic analysis revealing how these sectors influence the local and broader United States economies.
Thirty food and agriculture groups recently released the sixth annual Feeding the Economy report, a historic farm-to-fork economic analysis revealing how these sectors influence the local and broader United States economies.
After spending considerable time during the early-morning hours Wednesday battling a fi re involving grass and brush just south of Los Ybanez, fi refi ghters were called back to the location about 4:30 that afternoon when it reignited and engulfed an area where some older tractors and other items were located. Lamesa Fire Chief Larry Duyck on Tuesday called the fi re danger here “critical” due to drought conditions combined with warming temperatures, high winds and low humidity. He continues to urge everyone to use extreme caution when involved in any activity involving fi re. LPR photo
Honor roll students in the Dawson school system have been announced for the fifth six-week grading period.
Lamesa Head Start is conducting registration from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. on April 19 at the Head Start facility at 911 NE 3rd Street.
BROWNFIELD – The Brownfield Aquatic Center pool slides have been completed by a company called Splashtacular.
SNYDER – Scurry County commissioners approved a tax abatement application for Enel Green Power to build what will be the largest structure in Scurry County.
ANDREWS – The county’s most recent quarterly payment from a five percent surchage on gross receipts from Waste Control Specialists’ (WCS) low-level Compact Landfill easily exceeded the amount from the same check last year.
SEMINOLE – Since Seminole does not have tornado warning sirens or a tornado shelter, it’s up to residents to prepare and have a plan, said Gaines County Emergency Management Director Robert Barrett.
STANTON – Slaton Cub Scout Pack 127 was quite busy Saturday morning, April 2, beating eggs, cooking sausages and flipping pancakes to feed a group of 85 people – with help from their parents.
Attendance has been estimated at well over 1,000 for the seventh annual “Springtime Shine Car Show hosted here this past weekend by the Nuestro Car Club.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331