Churches plan Easter services
This week is one of the holiest in the Christian calendar.
Festival includes roping
This year’s Chicken Fried Steak Festival will include the 10th annual team roping events at the Lamesa Rodeo Arena.
Local dance students to perform
Every year the annual Chicken Fried Steak Festival has been celebrated, Sully Norris and her dancers have been one of the programs on the schedule of events.
LEDC to help fund promotional effort
Directors of the Lamesa Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) agreed Monday to partner with the Lamesa Area Chamber of Commerce in a promotional effort for the community.
Hosts sought here for foreign exchange students
If a local family doesn’t step up and take in a foreign exchange student for the next school year, there may not be any teenagers coming here to study from overseas.
Police Blotter
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Landfill closing for Good Friday
Due to the Good Friday holiday later this week, the municipal landfill will be closed to all customers that day.
Head Start opens child registration
Parents or guardians of toddlers can begin registering their youngsters into Lamesa Head Start program on April 19.