County eyeing land purchase
Few details are available, but members of the Dawson County Commissioners Court are eying the possible purchase of land and/or other property.
Few details are available, but members of the Dawson County Commissioners Court are eying the possible purchase of land and/or other property.
Two Dawson County Hospital District (DCHD) board members left office and two newly elected board members took over their positions during the board’s regular meeting Tuesday.
Dawson County Hospital District (DCHD) board members put the ball in motion Tuesday to annex 12.322 acres of cotton field into the City of Lamesa as commercial property.
Flags fl y along the east side of the Dawson County Cemetery on Monday in recognition of Memorial Day. With support from donations, members of the Lamesa Service Club place the fl ags at the cemetery and various other locations around Lamesa on fi ve special days during the day as part of the organization’s Lamesa Red, White and Blue project. LPR photo
Providing programs and information primarily on adult heath is the focus for a new Texas A&M AgriLife Extension - Health position serving Dawson and Martin counties.
Three permits for oil drilling operations in Dawson County have been issued during the past month by the Oil and Gas Division of the Texas Railroad Commission.
Now that school has ended and the Memorial Day weekend, a number of area churches are offering activities to keep the youngsters and some adults busy.
Barricades began going up along Bryan Avenue on Tuesday in preparation for underground water and sewer line work and reconstruction of the road surface. Bryan Avenue is scheduled to be completely blocked off from North 4th Street to South 8th Street until sometime in September. LPR photo
The South Plains Public Health District (SPPHD) office here is hosting CO- VID-19 vaccination clinics here on two Tuesdays this month.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331