Roberts, Buckel era ends for Press-Reporter
Roberts, Buckel era ends for Press-Reporter
Roberts, Buckel era ends for Press-Reporter
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
The Lamesa High School Marching Band came home with a high rating from the University Interscholastic League competition Saturday in Lubbock.
Free candy, decorating contests, a bake sale and cash awards are all on the menu for the upcoming Trunk-or-Treat festivities on the downtown square Halloween night.
A come-and-go retirement reception for Lee Peterson has been scheduled for 5-6:30 p.m. next Monday at the Lamesa Area Chamber of Commerce.
The possibility of allowing rifles and safes onto each campus for School Resource Officers after they’ve undergone sufficient training is one of the many items on the Lamesa school board’s agenda for Thursday night.
Handling generally routine business, members of the Dawson County Commissioners Court took only 20 minutes to complete their regular meeting Tuesday afternoon.
“The Squash & Pumpkin Cookbook: Gourd-geous Recipes to Celebrate these Versatile Vegetables” by Heather Thomas “Pumpkin Crafting: Decorating Projects and Seasonal Recipes” by Jen Rich
Does your child always ask “why?” Does your child learn new things very fast, quickly, or easily? Does your child want to know about many things? Is your child interested in things that other children his/her age are not usually interested in?
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331