Crane, not taxi, service gets aid
Lamesa is not getting a new taxi service, as the agenda for Monday’s economic development board meeting may have hinted.
Band performance takes months of work
Unless there’s heavy rainfall or a threat of lightning on the horizon, each Monday Lamesa High School’s marching band members and color guard can be found practicing their moves and music.
Students create portable stage
It isn’t uncommon for high school marching bands to put certain props in their shows. But some of the larger props can come with hefty prices.
Funds designated for industrial park
Lamesa economic development officials showed Monday they are serious about long-discussed plans for establishing a new industrial park here.
Police Blotter
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Voters attend Democratic forum
Twenty or more local residents showed up Monday night at the community center to hear six Democrat candidates and one Independent speak and answer questions.
GT referrals for students available
Does your child always ask “why?” Does your child learn new things very fast, quickly, or easily? Does your child want to know about many things? Is your child interested in things that other children his/her age are not usually interested in? Lamesa school officials are indicating that parents or guardians who see such traits in their child may want to refer that child to be tested for participation in the school’s Gifted and Talented (G/T) Program.
Meet and greet is Thursday
The Lamesa Area Chamber of Commerce and the Lamesa Economic Development Corporation are hosting “Business After Hours” from 5 p.m until 6:30 p.m., Thursday at First United Bank, 602 N. 1st Street.
Volunteers help family displaced by August fire
Locals often say one of the benefits of living in a small town is when someone is hurt or in need, everyone is willing to pitch in to assist any way they can.