Pop-up pantry a huge success
BROWNFIELD – About 340 vehicles and hundreds of people waited in line early Saturday morning, June 27 to receive food from the South Plains Food Bank.
BROWNFIELD – About 340 vehicles and hundreds of people waited in line early Saturday morning, June 27 to receive food from the South Plains Food Bank.
ANDREWS – The commissioners court on Tuesday heard a letter from an Andrews couple requesting that the county approve a mandatory mask-wearing ordinance in enclosed areas in public.
SEMINOLE – The Seminole EMS hosted a blood drive on Monday, June 29, at the Westside Church of Christ located on 23rd Street.
SNYDER – Any thoughts that COVID-19 would disappear from Scurry County before the July 4 holiday quickly disappeared Tueday.
The Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes series, developed by the Food and Nutrition Unit of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, is now available online.
The State Bar of Texas and legal aid providers across the state remind Texans that a toll-free legal assistance hotline is available to low-income individuals and families confronted with civil legal problems as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is providing additional flexibilities for producers to file on acres with failed crops or crops that were prevented from planting because of extreme weather events.
USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds Texas producers to complete crop acreage reports by the applicable deadline for their county. Acreage reporting dates vary by crop and by county. Contact your FSA county office for a list of acreage reporting deadlines by crop.
In its June acreage report, USDA estimated 2020 U.S. cotton plantings at 12.19 million acres, 11.3 percent less than in 2019.
Dr. Calvin Trostle and Dr. Murilo Maeda with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension have made available the “2020 Alternative Crop Options after Failed Cotton and Late-Season Crop Planting for the Texas South Plains” on the Lubbock Research & Extension Center website at https://lubbock.tamu.edu.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331