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Picture perfect

Picture perfect

When my kids were babies, I took lots of photos – always hoping to get the one perfect shot. This was during the prehistoric, pre-digital age, when cameras required film and film required developing. You couldn’t take a million pictures and preview them on your screen. You had to send them away and pay to have them printed. One by one by one.



A youngster looks over her Bingo card Monday during Bingo Night in the Lamesa Middle School cafeteria. The community game night was one of the activities hosted by the Dawson County Public Library supporters and staff. Library staff are ending the Summer Reading Club (SRC) program Friday with one final SRC event from 2 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. in the library. Those who joined the club kept track of their reading. That qualified youngsters and adults to participate in a drawing for prizes. The winners will receive their prizes Friday.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331