School Menus
Pre-K/Elementary Breakfast: Maple madness waffle, apple and fruit juice
Pre-K/Elementary Breakfast: Maple madness waffle, apple and fruit juice
Dawson County recently has been averaging almost 11 new COVID-19 cases per day, according to the latest information available from the South Plains Public Health District (SPPHD).
The eight miles of paved roads that Dawson County had planned to have sealcoated in 2020 will be done in 2021.
Lamesa school board President Rebecca Gonzales and Superintendent Jim Knight talk during open session before board members spent more than two hours in a closed executive session. There were only two items on the agenda: Knight’s annual job evaluation and contract. LPR photo
Lamesa school board members spent more than two hours in executive session Tuesday night before agreeing to extend Superintendent Jim Knight’s contract with a pay raise. ‘
Lamesa’s public school students may have skipped the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) last spring, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t being assessed on their academic progress.
City employees were working again on the east side of the downtown square to fi nish demolition of a building that was begun several weeks ago before begin stalled by electrical issues. The work is part of an overall effort by offi cials with the City of Lamesa and the city’s economic development organizations to improve the appearance of the downtown area and the city as a whole. LPR photo
TxDOT is reminding all drivers to take extra precautions when driving around trucks.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
City of Lamesa employee Samuel Sanchez saws through the facade of an abandoned building on the east side of the downtown square Wednesday morning. The city is tearing down the vacant structure as part of a broad effort to improve the appearance of the downtown area and the entire city. LPR photo
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331