Insurance deadline nears
Producers on the Texas High Plains have just a few weeks until the March 15 Sales Closing Date (SCD) for the federal crop insurance program and many still have questions about the different options
Producers on the Texas High Plains have just a few weeks until the March 15 Sales Closing Date (SCD) for the federal crop insurance program and many still have questions about the different options
Agricultural producers who have not yet enrolled in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs for 2021 must do so by March 15.
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller announced that the State of Texas Agriculture Relief, or STAR Fund, which his agency manages, has almos $150,000 in donated funds available after a severe
This past week, Senator Charles Perry and Representative Dustin Burrows introduced SB731 and HB2089 respectively in the Texas Legislature relating to the detection and mitigation of plant pests and
According to Farm Service Agency records from 2020, Texas planted 185,828 acres of peanuts of all four types.
Lamesa firefighters were called out shortly after 5 a.m. Friday for a fire on the roof of the new addition at Lamesa High School.
Pre-K/Elementary Breakfast: CinnaFrench toast sticks, apple and fruit juice
O’Donnell school board members agreed Feb. 18 to cancel the May 1 election, as only two candidates filed for the two positions up for election.
The Lubbock branch office with Legal Aid of Northwest Texas is offering a pair of virtual legal clinics for residents of this area who are needing help with civil issues.
TAHOKA – Following the impact of last week’s winter storm, the Texas Division of Emergency Management is encouraging all residents in Texas, including the entire Lynn County area, to self-report an
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331