City employee Steve Alexander uses a chain saw Thursday morning to slowly cut a Chinese elm tree in Forrest Park in small enough pieces to be hauled off.
City employee Steve Alexander uses a chain saw Thursday morning to slowly cut a Chinese elm tree in Forrest Park in small enough pieces to be hauled off.
The damage is unnoticeable on the outside, but bulletins on the front doors of two downtown businesses announce that interior damage has resulted in their closures by city order.
Regardless of whether you have insurance or whether your loss was great or small, anyone who suffered any kind of loss during last weekend’s storm here is being asked to report that information to
A storm like the one that hit Lamesa last Saturday – particularly the intense rainfall in a short period of time – is not often seen in West Texas.
A group of Lamesa High School alumni get their picture taken during the fi rst day of the ‘Mini-Jubilee’ reunion in the high school cafeteria.
Lamesa City Council members are conducting closed-door interviews of city manager candidates beginning at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at city hall at 601 S. 1st Street.
Members of the Dawson County Commissioners Court are expected to extend the county’s local disaster declaration during a special called meeting at 10 a.m.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Friday, June 25
Ashley Barron takes the oath of offi ce Tuesday on the fi rst day in her new position as Dawson County’s fi rst-ever elections administrator.
Appointed to the position on Tuesday, Cheryl Miller took the oath of offi ce on Thursday as Dawson County’s new tax assessor/collector.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331