Hospital awaits damage figures
The cost of repairing the roofs of local medical buildings damaged by the June 26 storm here won’t be known until an insurance adjustor examines the facilities on Aug. 11.
The cost of repairing the roofs of local medical buildings damaged by the June 26 storm here won’t be known until an insurance adjustor examines the facilities on Aug. 11.
They have the money, the land and even the support of the next door neighbor.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Tuesday, July 27
What are the odds that two remote communities in the far reaches of West Texas would have much in common in what we’ve called the “space race” since Russia launched Sputnik?
Elaine Hake from Essex, England decided two years ago to quit her job teaching self defense and advocating for women and volunteered to help with wildlife rehabilitation in Lilongwe, Malawi.
A delay with the installation of a new public address (PA) system is causing the Klondike school district to delay the start of classes for the upcoming school year, according to Superintendent Ste
A new report by the Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC) at Texas A&M University analyzes how some legislative proposals about how inheritance and estate taxes are treated may impact agri
Out-of-control weeds are the latest challenge to hit Texas producers among the negative effects related to untimely rains since late spring, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331