Lamesa Press-Reporter
Demolition partnership successful
Finding success in their partnership to tear down abandoned houses across Lamesa, local officials are looking at the possibility of taking the deal a step further.
New game warden follows dad’s path
Although he has spent most of his life in East Texas, the new game warden serving Dawson and Terry counties is familiar with the Texas plains.
Police Blotter
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Stipend gets approval for ‘core’ subjects at Klondike
Personnel teaching socalled “core” subjects in the Klondike school system will be getting a boost in pay as a result of action by the school board Monday evening.
I like ... summer
Ilike summer rain. Not at noon when everyone wants to be outside in the sunshine swimming, if you are lucky enough to be at the beach. But after the sun sets, when the world is dark and lightning brightens the sky only to be followed by the predictable strike of thunder. We count the seconds between the light and sound to guess how far the storm is from us. One thousand one, one thousand two… I like bug bites.
Sweet, safe grilling season
Are you looking for something new to add onto the grill this year? Try grilling your favorite fruit!