Lamesa Press-Reporter
Heat affects roads, local water usage
The city’s water department is seeing an increase in usage and roadway construction crews working on state highways are having to adapt due to the high temperatures here.
Council eyes change to business incentive
Although they gave initial approval to the proposal, city council members plan to make some wording changes to a $30,000 economic incentive and performance agreement with the owner of a future Italian restaurant on the downtown square.
Hot enough to fry an egg?
Egg-speriment puts grandma’s weather wisdom to the test
Downtown project grabs praise
The new restaurant now under construction at 118 Austin Ave. represents a big step in the efforts to revitalize Lamesa’s downtown area.
Grant project helps improve downtown area
City council members Tuesday held the final public hearing on a grant program that helped pay for the revitalization near the downtown square.
Edwards was fish cook in Juneteenth photo A cook pictured frying fish on the first day of the Juneteenth celebration incorrectly identified in Tuesday’s edition of the Press-Reporter. Thecook should have been identified as Bryant Edwards.
City of Lamesa begins budget workshops
Lamesa City Manager Joe Hines informed the council Tuesday to get ready for a summer filled with numerous budget workshops on the 2023-2024 municipal finances.
Commissioners to consider abatement, guidelines at meeting
A possible tax abatement is back on the agenda for consideration by the Dawson County Commissioners Court.