Blaze destroys home
While the freezing weather drove many people out of their homes this week, it also is believed to be the cause of a blaze that reduced a Lamesa couple’s home to rubble early Wednesday morning.
While the freezing weather drove many people out of their homes this week, it also is believed to be the cause of a blaze that reduced a Lamesa couple’s home to rubble early Wednesday morning.
Although the number of new and active cases here remains low, the death toll in Dawson County from CO- VID-19 has increased again, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS).
Firefi ghters from both Lamesa and Ackerly watch as a fellow fi refi ghter enters a smoke-fi lled barn Saturday evening behind the Foy O’Brien residence west of Patricia. The blaze essentially destroyed the barn, which is used for pig farrowing purposes.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
The Lamesa City Council postponed their regular meeting Tuesday evening due to a power problem at City Hall.
Plans for the May 1 school board election, construction updates and the senior prom are among the items on the agenda for the Lamesa school board’s regular meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday in the school administration building.
woke up this morning to a message no one ever wants to receive. I
The quote, “to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the Gift” by USA distance runner Steve Prefontaine is one of my favorites. While other runners he faced were taller and more physically gifted, “Pre” did not let that hold him back as he ran and set records for the University of Oregon and then Team USA in the early 1970’s (despite having one leg shorter than the other).
Texans from Lubbock to Longview shivered under single-digit temperatures as their week began, with snow and ice creating dangerous road conditions throughout the state.
When residents experienced power outages, frozen water pipes and freezing temperatures, several churches stepped up Tuesday to help meet the need.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331