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Lamesa Press-Reporter

$25 million bond goes before SISD voters in May 1 election

SEMINOLE - In their Feb. 11 meeting, Seminole Independent School District board members voted unanimously to call for two separate bond elections May 1. Proposition A, asking for $20 million, is earmarked for capital expenditures/supplies, while Proposition B’s $5 million will purchase technology equipment, including laptops and infrastructure.

City council hears breakdown on calls to police department

BROWNFIELD - During his quarterly report given to the Brownfield city council Feb. 5, Brownfield Police Chief Tony Serbantez showed plenty of data ranging from types of service calls made last year and compared it to the last three years, the day and times of each service call, citation violations comparisons for the last three years, incident offenses for the last three years, arrests for violations and seized narcotics.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331