Presbyterians plan observance of Ash Wednesday
First Presbyterian will be offering a service of worship to the community on Ash Wednesday. Worship will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 26 in the church sanctuary.
First Presbyterian will be offering a service of worship to the community on Ash Wednesday. Worship will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 26 in the church sanctuary.
Graveside services for Donald Tracy, 79, of Lubbock will be held Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at Dawson County Cemetery with Chaplain Dave Drake officiating.
Jimmie Alyne (McClintock) Osborn, lovingly called “Musser” by family and friends, passed into the presence of her Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, early Wednesday morning, February 12, 2020, at t
Air temperatures which stayed right around the freezing mark helped Lamesa and Dawson County mostly avoid any serious impact from the latest blast of wet wintry weather to hit the area.
Races for two local offices will be the focus of a Candidates Forum being hosted by the Lamesa Area Chamber of Commerce on Thursday evening.
It will be at least a couple more weeks before the Dawson County Commissioners Court has a written policy to consider for the regulation of temporary oilfield flowlines along county roads.
Lamesa economic development officials took no action Monday evening following an apparent discussion about two multi-acre pieces of property.
“Join us in the Mountains” is this year’s theme for the Lamesa Movieland Theater’s annual membership drive.
Zane Allen, a 2019 graduate of Borden County High School, was a member of the Angelo State University Agriculture Department’s student Wool Judging Team that took first place at the 2020 San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Collegiate Wool Judging Contest on Feb. 8 in San Antonio.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331