Distance learning discontinued due to lack of improvement
SEMINOLE - After a lengthy discussion, the Seminole Independent School District (SISD) school board unanimously approved discontinuing distance learning in the district effective Nov. 2.
SEMINOLE - After a lengthy discussion, the Seminole Independent School District (SISD) school board unanimously approved discontinuing distance learning in the district effective Nov. 2.
Youngsters with dyslexia can find reading and going to school a difficult learning experience.
Even their parents can have a hard time dealing with the reading disorder.
A little over a month after granting a property owner the zoning request he needed to operate a truck mechanic shop along Akron Ave., Lamesa City Council members changed their minds – again – Tuesd
Firefi ghters (above) raise the American fl ag via a ladder from one of the local fi re engines during the Permian Basin District State Firefi ghters and Fire Marshals Association convention here S
A total of 210 residents of Dawson County currently have active cases of the COVID-19 virus, according to the latest information from the South Plains Public Health District.
Remote learning in the era of COVID-19 is working better in the Lamesa school system than many other places but is still proving to be a challenge for almost everyone involved.
Roll up your sleeves and pitch in to help keep Lamesa beautiful.
A total of 1,320 Dawson County residents have voted early as of Tuesday afternoon in the Nov. 3 presidential, state, county-wide and a water district board races.
Andrews ISD to suspend remote learning option
ANDREWS – Come early November, remote learning through Andrews ISD will be a thing of the past.
When it comes to the Texas Comptroller’s Office dispersing the monthly sales tax rebates, many cities and counties across the state hav been feeling a pinch.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331