Handle fireworks with caution
If you’re going to light up your own private fireworks show, at least follow some precautions.
If you’re going to light up your own private fireworks show, at least follow some precautions.
“My New Year’s Resolution is to stick to my Keto’s diet; eventually hit my goal weight.”
- Tosha Woodberry
“I haven’t made it yet.”
- Steven Archer
Lamesa City Council members took only a few minutes Monday to okay a $54,500 engineering study for a pipeline that could expand the city’s wastewater system.
The term “Pay it Forward” is defined by one dictionary as repaying a kindness by doing another act of generosity for someone else.
Dawson County officials have tallied more than $132,000 worth of equipment they hope to purchase through funds from the local Weaver Foundation.
Just six months after adopting a policy regulating pipelines placed alongside county roads, Dawson County officials are now looking at taking measures to enforce that policy.
Unless a second candidate appears soon, there may not be an election to fill the Lamesa City Council District 3 seat.
State health officials have added one more death to the toll of lives taken by COVID-19 in Dawson County.
Although he had a successful medical practice in Illinois at the time, Dr. Griengsak Chowpaknam was looking for a warmer place to live and work when he paid a visit to Lamesa at the urging of a friend and former classmate.
It was less than two days before Christmas, family members were coming, food needed to be prepared – things already were hectic enough.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331