Buchanan, Flanigan top BCHS graduates
Borden County High School (BCHS) will see 21 seniors earn their diplomas in a commencement ceremony this Friday in the school auditorium.
Borden County High School (BCHS) will see 21 seniors earn their diplomas in a commencement ceremony this Friday in the school auditorium.
James Tucker Norris, surrounded by his parents Sully and Cris Norris (left) of Lamesa, and his sister and brother-in-law, Salone and James Britt, graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio with a Masters in Accounting on Saturday, May 22, 2021 after getting his undergraduate duel degrees in fi nance and accounting last May. He played on golf team while at Trinity. He will be working for Deloitte Firm in Dallas. submitted photo
Lamesa Mayor Josh Stevens presents outgoing council member Brant Stewart with a resolution thanking his for his fi ve years of service to the city. Stewart served his last day on the council’s District 1 seat Tuesday. LPR photo
Lamesa City Council member Fred Vera takes the oath of offi ce after being selected as the new mayor pro-tem Tuesday. LPR photo
Dawson County Hospital District (DCHD) board members are looking at a light agenda as they acknowledge and swear in winners of the May 1 election during their regular meeting this week.
Memorial Day weekend is just a few days away, and that means many in the work force will be getting a three-day weekend.
The possibility of forming a softball program for the 2021-2022 school year will be discussed by O’Donnell school board members during a special meeting later this week.
Klondike has begun registration for pre-kindergarten children who live in the school district, according to Principal Danielle Therwhanger.
SNYDER – Two local school districts are in line to receive more than $5 million as part of the allocation of the $11.2 billion appropriated to the State of Texas for public education purposes under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III (ESSER III) Fund.
ANDREWS – All the puzzle pieces have fallen into place for Stephanie Stokes’ career beginning.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331