Garden vegetables sell on honor system
Retiree Keith Carter has lost count of how many seasons he’s been growing cucumbers, squash, watermelon, black-eyed peas, okra and cantaloupe on less than two acres of land.
Retiree Keith Carter has lost count of how many seasons he’s been growing cucumbers, squash, watermelon, black-eyed peas, okra and cantaloupe on less than two acres of land.
The annual Lamesa Rodeo kicked off Thursday night with the audience members standing in honor of the U.S. fl ag during the National Anthem. The three nights of rodeo continued until Saturday.
A youngster and her miniature horse prepare to enter the rodeo grounds with the adults and bigger horses at the start of the opening night of the annuall Lamesa Rodeo on Thursday.
The numbers the Dawson County Hospital District (DCHD) needs to come up with a proposed tax rate are finally in.
Lamesa’s economic development officials will consider selling property and will get updates on two ongoing projects on Monday.
Permits for two new oil drilling ventures in Dawso County and for a re-entry operation at a current well have been approved by the Texas Railroad Commission.
Lamesa City Council members Doug Morris and Bobby Gonzales look at a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed tax rate during a Tuesday night meeting.
Lamesa’s search for a new city manager may be coming to an end.
A proposed budget for 2022 again will be the focus of discussion by members of the Dawson County Commissioners Court during a special meeting Tuesday afternoon.
Dawson school board members will consider setting a proposed tax rate for the coming year when they hold their regular monthly meeting Monday evening.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331