Hunter Roschetzky, a member of the Dawson County 4-H, showed the grand champion goat in competition at the Dawson County Junior Livestock Show on Thursday evening.
Earning reserve grand champion honors was the entry by O’Donnell FFA member Tristen Arthur.
Show judge Conner Newsom, livestock judging coach at South Plains College, picked the winners from among 24 entries in the goat show.
Dawson County
Junior Livestock Show
Goat Show
Class 1: 1. Tristen Arthur, O’Donnell FFA; 2. Colten Terry, Dawson County 4-H; 3. Hayden Parham, Dawson County 4-H;
4. Colten Terry, Dawson County 4-H; 5. Colten Terry, Dawson County 4-H.
Class 2: 1. Tristen Arthur, O’Donnell FFA; 2.