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SandsMONDAYNo schoolTUESDAYBreakfast: Cereal bar, yogurt, fruit, fruit juice, milkLunch: Tex-Mex stack, pinto beans, baby carrots, salsa, bananas, sherbet, milk varietyWEDNESDAYBreakfast: Mini pancakes, yogurt, fruit, fruit juice, milk Lunch: Country fried steak,Lunch: Country fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, cornbread, fruit cup, milk varietyTHURSDAYBreakfast: Sausage kolache, cheese stick, fruit, fruit juice, milkLunch: Pizza, garden salad, sliced cucumbers, apple slices, milk varietyFRIDAYBreakfast: French toast sticks, yogurt, fruit, fruit juice, milk Lunch: Hot dog, fries, tomatoLunch: Hot dog, fries, tomato cup, grapes, cookie, milk varietyDawsonMONDAYNo schoolTUESDAYBreakfast: Tornados, fruit, juice, milkLunch: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, rolls, gravy, green beans, fruit, milk WEDNESDAYWEDNESDAY Breakfast:

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Lamesa Press-Reporter

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Lamesa, TX 79331