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Hospitals no longer accepting PRMC critical care patients

ANDREWS - The area’s major hospitals are on diversion plans for critical care due to less open beds, which means they cannot accept transfer patients from Permian Regional Medical Center (PRMC), hospital board members learned at Thursday’s meeting. Hospitals in Odessa, Midland and Lubbock are among those on diversion.

UPS retiree discovers dream job owning 1917 historic hotel

SEAGRAVES – After 27 years, Maryland native Gareth Denham took on a temporary office job at Birdson Peanuts during harvest upon retirement from the UPS. That was in 2016, and for the next four years Denham continued his yearly trips to West Texas to work for Birdsong during the peanut harvest.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

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Lamesa, TX 79331