Klondike delays start of classes
A delay with the installation of a new public address (PA) system is causing the Klondike school district to delay the start of classes for the upcoming school year, according to Superintendent Ste
Report looks at potential impact of inheritance legislation ideas
A new report by the Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC) at Texas A&M University analyzes how some legislative proposals about how inheritance and estate taxes are treated may impact agri
Weeds are widespread problem in cropland across entire state
Out-of-control weeds are the latest challenge to hit Texas producers among the negative effects related to untimely rains since late spring, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Rodeo opens Thursday for three nights of competition
Competitors in the Lamesa Rodeo Association’s upcoming annual rodeo continue to sign up to enter the various events.
Medical funds to aid couple
Both a local bank account and a Go Fund Me account have been established to help local residents Blaine and Clintonna Todd with mounting medical expenses.
Tax-free weekend scheduled Aug. 6-8
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar is reminding shoppers they can save money on clothes and school supplies during the state’s sales tax holiday on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 6-8.
Wielding the shovels for the ceremonial groundbreaking held this past Monday for the Domino’s restaurant to be built on N. Lynn Ave.
Tax rate, job interviews on agenda for city council
The presentation of the city’s 2021 tax rate calculations, a resolution supporting a negotiated settlement with a natural gas supplier, and an employee assistance program are among the items facing
AgriLife program provides legal tips for landowners
Many state and federal laws regarding land ownership can be complicated, but a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service course helps make the content more accessible to landowners.