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Lamesa Press-Reporter

I like ... summer

I like ... summer

Ilike summer rain. Not at noon when everyone wants to be outside in the sunshine swimming, if you are lucky enough to be at the beach. But after the sun sets, when the world is dark and lightning brightens the sky only to be followed by the predictable strike of thunder. We count the seconds between the light and sound to guess how far the storm is from us. One thousand one, one thousand two… I like bug bites.

KPET played major role in former Lamesan’s childhood

Dear Editor: It was with some sadness that I read the story on the closing of radio station KPET in Lamesa. That little place up on the hill plays a major role in my childhood memories prior to my father leaving the radio business for the newspaper business in 1967. The newspaper provided a better living, but for a 10-year-old kid, there was nothing as exciting as radio.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331