Stipend gets approval for ‘core’ subjects at Klondike
Personnel teaching socalled “core” subjects in the Klondike school system will be getting a boost in pay as a result of action by the school board Monday evening.
Personnel teaching socalled “core” subjects in the Klondike school system will be getting a boost in pay as a result of action by the school board Monday evening.
Ilike summer rain. Not at noon when everyone wants to be outside in the sunshine swimming, if you are lucky enough to be at the beach. But after the sun sets, when the world is dark and lightning brightens the sky only to be followed by the predictable strike of thunder. We count the seconds between the light and sound to guess how far the storm is from us. One thousand one, one thousand two… I like bug bites.
Are you looking for something new to add onto the grill this year? Try grilling your favorite fruit!
Texas House Democrats unveiled a $20.9 billion plan for property tax relief that drops tax rates, increases the homestead exemption, gives annual rebates to renters, and includes pay raises for teachers, the Austin American-Statesman
Editor, With much sadness, I read Danny Moffat’s Letter to the Press-Reporter. KPET is shuttered and off the air… hopefully, just for now.
Dear Editor: It was with some sadness that I read the story on the closing of radio station KPET in Lamesa. That little place up on the hill plays a major role in my childhood memories prior to my father leaving the radio business for the newspaper business in 1967. The newspaper provided a better living, but for a 10-year-old kid, there was nothing as exciting as radio.
Editor, It was December, 2001 when I first went out to the radio station to record my very first “Just A Minute” program. I jokingly told Don Sitton that I hoped the program wouldn’t close down his radio station.
When the Texas Tech Air Raiders take the court next week in the The Basketball Tournament (TBT) at Lubbock, it’ll be a reunion of sorts for several former Texas Tech University men’s basketball players, including a trio from Tech’s NCAA national runner-up team 2019.
As a rule of thumb the number of putts a golfer takes during a round makes up 40 percent of a score.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331