Brittany Lovington
My name is Brittany Lovington, I will be on the Republican Primary Ballot in 2024 for Dawson County tax assessor/collector.
My name is Brittany Lovington, I will be on the Republican Primary Ballot in 2024 for Dawson County tax assessor/collector.
My name is Wally Garza and I am running as a Republican candidate in the primary election for sheriff of Dawson County in March of 2024.
My name is Tommy Flores. I am running for the position of constable of Dawson County. I have lived in Lamesa for 31 years.
For weeks, there hasn’t been any new changes to the list of nine candidates seeking seven Dawson County elected offices.
Lamesa High School’s new high school gym may soon get an official title when school board members hold their regular meeting next week.
My Facebook feed reminded me that, exactly 12 years ago, I was considering buying palazzo pants. I found this astonishing because just that day I had been looking at palazzo pants, and I had not mentioned it to Facebook—or anyone else, except my husband, Peter. Peter did not even know what palazzo pants are.
Purpose What is your purpose? Have you defined it?
Irony’s definition has been stretched to the breaking point for me. Verily, Humpty-Dumpty’s nursery rhyme about his “wall fall” pales greatly when compared to the fall-out of a deposed football coach who had a “falling out” with his employer. The shocker, though, is that deposed Coach Jimbo Fisher will be paid some $76 million to leave. Why, that’s nearly as much as Garth Brooks’ divorce.
There are a lot of upcoming Christmas related events on the calendar. Below are just a few of them.
Lamesa Area Chamber of Commerce officials announced the winners of the annual Lighted Christmas Parade.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331