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Lamesa Press-Reporter

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Dionicio Garza Jr., who retired last Friday after more than 36 years as an employee of the City of Lamesa, was recognized during the City Council’s regular meeting Tuesday evening at City Hall. Leaving the building, he drove off under sprays of water from two fi re trucks saluting him for his service. Garza served as the city’s Director of Utilities since 2004.

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School will look different for Lamesa ISD in 2020-21

There is no clear right or wrong when it comes to sending students back to school. Every situation is different, and every family will have to evaluate their circumstances, health conditions, and family situations. These variables will determine what each family will decide. There is no right choice, and we honestly continue to say there is no wrong or right choice. Each family will make decisions that are based on each families circumstances.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331