Seal-coating on agenda for commissioners meeting
Members of the Dawson County Commissioners Court on Tuesday are slated to consider whether to participate in a roadway sealcoating program organized by a Lubbock engineering firm.
Members of the Dawson County Commissioners Court on Tuesday are slated to consider whether to participate in a roadway sealcoating program organized by a Lubbock engineering firm.
Lamesa school Superintendent Jim Knight’s contract will be considered for approval by school board members during a special meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday in the board room at the school administration building, 212 N. Houston Ave.
Texas automobile driver was “tooling” down a rural highway on a lazy Saturday afternoon. Most motorists had already reached destinations, or maybe decided not to go. He felt alone, not another vehicle in sight on a long stretch of pavement. Suddenly, flashing lights in his rearview mirror were strong indicators that he wasn’t alone. Further, he wondered if his definition of “tooling” might run sideways with the A definition understood by the Department of Public Safety trooper ambling toward his parked vehicle.
don’t remember exactly when I took to living in stretch pants full time. I
George Bernard Shaw made those words famous. His actual quote: “You see things and you say ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were… and I say, ‘Why not?’”
Fifteen permits for new water wells were approved by directors of the Mesa Underground Water District during their regular monthly meeting, which lasted less than 30 minutes Wednesday morning.
Klondike school board members on Thursday accepted the annual financial audit presented by Kevin Telchik with the Lamesa accounting firm of Stephens, Stephens & Telchik.
Plains Cotton Growers, Inc. will host a virtual information session on Feb. 16, 2021 to review and discuss the numerous options available to producers for the 2021 growing season through the Federal Crop Insurance Program. Additional information, including links to register for the February 16 session will be made available in the coming weeks through this newsletter and on the PCG website located at:
Several opportunities are available to complete the Auxin-Specific Certification Training for the 2021 growing season.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced it will provide additional assistance through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), expanding eligibility for some agricultural producers and commodities as well as updating payments to accurately compensate some producers who already applied for the program.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331