Best of class
Lamesa High School’s top two honor graduates this year hope to eventually help others overcome mental and physical challenges.
Lamesa High School’s top two honor graduates this year hope to eventually help others overcome mental and physical challenges.
Dawson County Hospital District (DCHD) board members gave the green light Thursday for a feasibility study on a new Emergency Medical Services (EMS) facility on hospital grounds.
If this was a normal year, the Klondike FFA Homesite Evaluation team would be busy preparing to head to Oklahoma City as the two-time national defending champions in Homesite Evaluation.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Monday, April 26
Proposals for administering federal stimulus funding for Dawson County are again slated to be considered by members of the county commissioners court.
Some walked. Some ran. One man did both while pushing a baby stroller.
The Sylvia Polanco Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) scholarship has been established at Howard College to help single moms and dads who are wanting to start their nursing career through the Howard Colleg
The agenda for a special called meeting of the Lamesa City Council on Monday has been amended to include an executive session.
It has been said of me throughout my adult life – perhaps also true of years unfolding soon after infancy – that my antenna has been on “24/7” alert for good deals.
I finished my bath and saw that the rust-orange towel had molted all over my body. I was covered with tufts of orange fur. It was not a good look, and it felt worse than it looked.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331