Local Babe Ruth all-stars open tourney vs Andrews
Lamesa’s Babe Ruth baseball all-stars will open their district tournament at 6 p.m. Wednesday against Andrews at Seminole.
Lamesa’s Babe Ruth baseball all-stars will open their district tournament at 6 p.m. Wednesday against Andrews at Seminole.
Mario Dimas’s team shot a 27 Wednesday evening to win the Lamesa Municipal Golf Course’s weekly golf scramble.
If you missed the Lamesa Community Players’ dinner theater production of “Steel Magnolias,” there’s still time to get tickets for upcoming performances.
Two churches are hosting Vacation Bible School (VBS) programs while another is conducting camp programs for various age groups.
Lamesa Church of Christ
Carl and Ruth Ann Crouch celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Friday with a dinner and are planning a July fishing trip with several family members to Lake McQueeny in New Braunfels.
Medical Arts Hospital Auxiliary
The Medical Arts Hospital Auxiliary has recently received a donation in memory of Jane Schwartz from Leroy and Vicki Vogler.
Monday: BBQ chicken, potato salad, ranch style beans and dessert
Members of Lamesa’s 12-and-under Cal Ripkin League all-start team are (front, from left) Ty Martinez, Jayden Jaramillo, Slayde Oaks, Damien Ramos, Samuel Baricevic, Not pictured Cayden Barrera, (back) Aaron Smith, Zach Barron, Isaiah Capetillo, Jett Napper, Carson Wade, Jordan Antu and Draven Carrejo.
By Mary Elizabeth Davis Lamesa Press-Reporter
Beginning work on the city’s 2021-2022 budget, Lamesa City Council members are looking at inflation, lower interest rates, staggering construction costs, lower appraisal values, increased gas prices and an estimation that things aren’t going to improve any time soon.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331