Remembering 9/11
Where were you on 9-11? Most of us can answer that question.
Up with Parrots, Down with Whoops
Uncle Mort had never heard of “support parrots,” but admits that he shouldn’t have been surprised.
Pastor’s Pen
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you”. Ephesians 4:32 No matter how you slice it, forgiveness is always God’s way. And guess what? He demands the same from you. We all know that forgiving others is difficult. We are all fallible, imperfect human beings who have egos, and are quick to anger, blame, and slower to forget. God knows this, but His obligation for you to forgive is as steadfast as His love for you.
Student with high aspirations meets LISD school board
Law enforcement classes, an interest in the medical field with experience in cotton judging, band and sports would thicken any résumé.
LISD sees increase in student count
Lamesa school principals went before school board members Thursday to inform them on the student numbers and the activities taking place on their campuses.
LISD approves deficit budget, tax rate
Lamesa school district board members Thursday approved the 2024-2025 budget and tax rate just days before the start of the new fiscal year.
Cotton crop faring better than past two drought years
The Texas cotton crop can only be described as a mixed bag – with harvest wrapping up in the southern parts to bolls just setting in the northernmost parts – and sometimes the mixture depends on the moisture.
Farm Bureau urges Senate to act on farm bill
The latest census data and predictions of record farm income declines are signs that farmers and ranchers are facing uncertain futures without a modernized farm bill. That’s the message American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Zippy Duvall shared with U.S. Senate leaders in a letter that urged them to set aside partisan di_erences to pass a farm bill.
Texas Game Wardens offer tips for a safe, enjoyable dove hunt
Hunters preparing for the Sept. 1 opening of dove season have much to look forward to, with significant increases in both mourning and white-wing dove populations.