OISD is lowering tax rate, approved fiscal year budget
O’Donnell school board members lowered the tax rate and approved the 20232024 budget during their Aug. 29 meeting.
O’Donnell school board members lowered the tax rate and approved the 20232024 budget during their Aug. 29 meeting.
The Shofner family has taken all three spots, first, second and third in the Lamesa Press Reporter’s annual Football Contest.
A Lamesa resident lost his life to a motorcycle accident early Tuesday evening.
Angelica Molinar and her family returned to the house Thursday to clean up and salvage anything they could save from a fire that took everything they owned last week.
All it took was the change of a single word for Dawson County Hospital District board members to update the concealed handgun policy.
Dawson County Hospital District board members approved a lower tax rate Tuesday for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
Lamesa City Manager Joe Hines and City Building Inspector Brian Beck went before Dawson County Hospital District (DCHD) board members Tuesday with a new idea that could beautify the city, put abandoned properties back on the tax rolls and resolve some of the city’s housing needs.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331