Postal rates to increase Jan. 21
Better buy all the Forever stamps you can from the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) because the rates are going up.
Golden Jubilee planning underway
The Golden Jubilee, bringing with it a mass reunion of Lamesa High School (LHS) alumni to town, may be 19-months away but organizers are already planning for it.
County approves tax abatement agreement
Calling it a deal too good to pass up, Dawson County commissioners approved to a tax abatement agreement for a battery electrical energy storage facility currently under construction on S. Elgin Ave.
Big Spring medical center hosts depression screenings
Free, confidential depression screenings will be held Tuesday, Oct. 17 at Scenic Mountain Medical Center, 1601 W. 11th Place in Big Spring.
Four proposed state constitution amendments put before voters Nov. 7
Editor’s Note: This is the third in a three part series focusing on the Nov. 7 election when voters decide on 14 amendments to the Texas Constitution. The focus is on amendments 11-14, along with the language on the ballot, and an explanation of their pros and cons, according to the Secretary of State website and other online articles.
LHS theater students tell dark family story
You’d never expect a high school play to come with a warning label.
Making the Grade
Lamesa Middle School honor roll students school have been announced for the first nineweek grading period.